We finished Hebrews 11, the "Hall of Faith" last week at the Stuckey's with plenty of insightful discussion. Thanks to all who came and participated.
There were several "Ah ha!" moments, but perhaps the one that surprised us all and captured us most was shared by Amy:
“considering the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; for he was looking to the reward.” (Hebrews 11:26, NASB95)
So Moses considered the reproach of Christ, the disapproval or disappointment of Christ, greater than all the riches or treasures of the greatest nation on the earth at the time. Amazing! An amazing commentary for the Spirit to reveal about Moses to the writer of Hebrews. And what rich insight into the value of Christ!
This is also a good segue into our topic for next week, the persecuted church. Dwayne will lead this discussion and we'll look specifically at the church in Iran. But come with any information you wish to share about the persecuted church in general and what Christians in the West can do to help.
See you at the Bell's home, Wednesday, March 2nd, at 6:30 pm.
Blessings in Christ Jesus the Lord,