Tuesday, May 23, 2017

May 24th


Why did we show the film “Patterns of Evidence” about the Exodus last week? What did you glean from watching it?

Of course there is the obvious. Facts and findings from archeology and Egyptology that support or refute history. That is the narrative. But what I find utterly fascinating is how experts in these fields, knowledgable about the same facts could dismiss the striking evidence and remain spiritually blind to what we believe is truth. The truth of the Bible and the Biblical account?

How does that happen? I had hoped we might discuss that this week at home group if there was time around dinner. But we’ve taken a different dinner tact, and are meeting with another life group, The Small’s, at the home of Bobbi Cardew, Wednesday night, 6:30 pm, 1923 Hendricks. See you there! (Please RSVP to Patty if you haven’t already so they will know how many to prepare for dinner. )

In closing I’ll share some thoughts and quotes that are apropos to the questions I started out with about the film. You can mull them over yourself and perhaps discuss them among yourselves. How do people come to faith? Come to be Jesus’ sheep?

I noted Jesus’ discussion of those who know Him and those who don’t?  John 10:25-30. “…you don’t know Who I Am, because you are not My sheep.” “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them… and give them eternal life.”

And I noted these interesting quotes for you to ponder….

“It matters little what we think of the Lord; it matters for eternity what God thinks of us.”
C.S. Lewis
“There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’”
C.S. Lewis
“People almost invariably arrive at their beliefs not on the basis of proof but on the basis of what they find attractive.” Blaise Pascal

“For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8–9)

“The essence of idolatry is the entertainment of thoughts about God that are unworthy of Him.” A.W. Tozer


Monday, May 15, 2017

TUESDAY May 16th


ATTENTION! Home group is meeting tomorrow, Tuesday May 16th, 6:30 p.m. at the Bell's. Please be on time as we plan to start the movie promptly at 6:45 p.m.. Popcorn will be served! :)

The movie Patterns of Evidence is refreshing in it's approach to history, faith, and science. It's also beautifully done (cinematography and music) -- the way he tells the story of his quest and journey into this area of life and human experience.

It may also spark a little discussion about soteriology (look it up :)). It will spark some mystery and wonder in your soul about our God and His interaction with men -- the same yesterday, today, and forever -- working out His wonderful plan for His Son, His children,  and His friends.

Hope to see you there!


Movie description on iTunes


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3rd


Home group tonight will meet at the Bell's 6:30pm, as usual. We'll be picking up were we left off in the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, looking at the seven churches in Asia Minor (Modern Western Turkey), that were used by Jesus during the last half of the Roman empire to spread His kingdom far and wide, even down to the USA today.

Tonight we finish with the last church, number seven, Laodicea, Rev 3:14-22.

Dr. Stan asks that I, "also encourage folks to share a scripture" or “what the Lord is teaching them”. So please bring a Scripture to share that's meaningful to you of late, or some lesson the Lord has taught you lately about life, others, or Himself. Thank you.



   “To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: ... ‘He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.” (Revelation 3:14–21)

   “‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’ ”” (Revelation 3:22)

Ray Stedman Commentary on Laodicea

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April 26th


We'll meet Wednesday night, 6:30pm as usual at the Bell's home, and continue our look at the 7 churches in the Apocalypse (Revelation.) Asking ourselves those time honored (everyday language expressed) axioms of Biblical exegesis, [1] What did it mean then? [2] What does it mean now? And [3] What does it mean to me?

We finished Sardis last week, and this week begin with the church in Philadelphia, Rev 3:7-13.
Come prepared to learn, participate, and be blessed with insight and revelation.

Shalom in Christ Jesus,


Commentary on Philadelphia 

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches." (Revelation 3:13)

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

April 19th

We will meet at the Bell's home at 6:30 pm. We will continue our study and discussion of the churches of the Apocalypse (Revelation) with the church at Sardis. Rev 3:1-6

Hope to see you there!



   ““To the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. ‘Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God.” (Revelation 3:1–2)

Commentary on the Church at Sardis

Article on Forgiveness Spawned from our Life Group

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 12th


Home group will meet April 12th, 6:30pm, at the Bells. We'll continue our discussion of the churches in Revelation by looking this week at The Church in Thyatria, Revelation 2:18... Hope to see you there ready for discussion and sharing our lives.

Pray you're having a good Holy Week of contemplating our Lord's life and sacrifice. I received this post from a friend that might be of help if you're looking for something inspirational. Or this recent video from Israel?

[Commentary on Revelation]

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 29


I just asked EBell what we studied in life group last week, and she replied "The Church in Smyrna." :) I told her, "No, it was Ephesus, I suppose we have to start our study anew, because you obviously didn't get it?" :) [Printed with permission. :)]

At any rate, we will begin tonight where we left off last week, Revelation 2:8 the church at Smyrna, and get through as many of the seven churches as time, discussion, and/or Dr. Stan allows we should.

It was a lively and insightful discussion last week with many new things shared I've never heard of or thought about before. Many good questions too.

So read a little forward, and come prepared, if you can, or just come! :)

Blessings in Jesus Name,


[Video from Israel last month.]

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 22nd


Last weeks intro to "The Apocalypse" was insightful, and stimulated a lot of discussion. Hope you join us tonight as we continue in the "Revelation of Jesus Christ", chapter two, and look specifically at the church in Ephesus. For what it meant then, what it means now, and what it means to you?

Hope to see you at the Bell's, 6:30 pm.



[Video of Recent Prayer Retreat (YouTube)]

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15


What's on tap for home group, 6:30 pm, the Bell's home?

John’s experience at Patmos!
We’ll read chapter one of Rev...and might perphaps touch on the first church (Ephesus?)...But mainly chapter 1.
Thanks.  See you tonight.

Report on Centering Prayer Retreat

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mar 8 . Have You Forgiven Yourself For ...?


Self forgiveness?  What is that? What does it look like? Is it important? Let's look around and ask each other and the Lord for meaningful examples or illustrations? Or better yet, look into our own lives? And into the Bible for any teaching or examples that might be found?

I'm not sure if we'll do that this Wednesday night, 6:30 pm, at the Bell's or not? Or if we'll watch the film we've been talking about, "as we forgive" by Laura Waters Hinson? Dr. Stan will be leading and I've not discussed it with him yet. If he gives me anything, I'll edit this blog and put it at the bottom. Just wanted you to be prepared if you want to be. :)

On my way back from the Israel/Germany trip last week, my friend Rainer gave me this excellent book which I read on the airplane and finished up the first day home, "Counterfeit Gods" by Timothy Keller. I highly recommend it for situational awareness in our spiritual and cultural lives, and well as our personal lives with the Lord.

In it, among many other wonderful things, I found a different perspective on self forgiveness.

Blessings and Shalom,


There is legitimate guilt that is removed through repentance and restitution, and then there is irremediable [impossible to cure or put right] guilt. When people say, “I know God forgives me, but I can’t forgive myself,” they mean that they have failed an idol, whose approval is more important to them than God’s. Idols function like gods in our lives, and so if we make career or parental approval our god and we fail it, then the idol curses us in our hearts for the rest of our lives. We can’t shake the sense of failure.              Timothy Keller, “Counterfeit Gods”

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

February 22

Greetings Friends,

First let me remind you to pray for brothers and sisters around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ when you think of it or it crosses your path. And remember to pray for the church in Iran, as we focused on them and watched the video about what the Lord is doing there a few months back. Forgiveness plays a big role in the kingdom going forward in these places as everywhere. Recall Jesus manifesto called the Sermon on the Mount. How to live, how to act, how to think. Much differently than the world! Forgiveness is certainly like that.

Wednesday we'll meet at 6:30pm at the Bell's home and continue our discussion on "forgiveness."

Bring any thoughts or Scripture or subject matter you have on the subject and we'll all consider it. We  had a lively and insightful discussion last week, and I expect it again.

We'll also concentrate perhaps on the practical side of forgiveness a bit. Or the mechanics, if you please. "How do I ask for forgiveness?" And, "How do I pronounce forgiveness?" Sounds simple I know, but there are several things (attitudes or words) surrounding these actions that can derail or make them less than effective. That's what we want to look at together!

Because we want relationships restored, do we not? And people in our realm to be free, do we not? Including ourselves, do we not? Come ready to think, live, love, and share. :)

Remember to read the John Piper blog that Chad brought to our attention last week if you haven't. We'll likely discuss that some too! :)

Hope to see you there!!

 “Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.” (Hebrews 13:3)

 “And forgive us our sins, For we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation.’ ”” (Luke 11:4)

"Forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation, restitution, or approval of sin. Forgiving, according to Jesus in his parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:21-35), involves a singular decision of the will by which you consider another person no longer indebted to you."
                                           (from The Red Feather by Tom Elliff)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 15


We had an excellent meeting and discussion on "forgiveness" Wednesday night! Everyone participated in sharing and discussion and the Spirit came as we prayed for those who needed help with forgiveness issues and relationship issues. It was a powerful and joyful time.

Next week, Feb 15th, we'll meet at the Bell's home at 6:30 pm, and continue our study and discussion about forgiveness.

Please consider bringing one (or 2 or 3) Scripture on forgiveness that's been meaningful to you, and you can share "why" if you wish. Also bring a story of forgiveness in your life or realm, how it happened, and the results, if you want to.

We'll probably center our discussion following around this question Peter asked Jesus, and the parable Jesus gave us following that question.

Come expecting insights, and help with forgiveness if you are in need of forgiving or being forgiven. :)

  “Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”” (Matthew 18:21)

“For this reason the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his slaves.” (Matthew 18:23)

Check out this article Chad found on the subject... very excellent and thought provoking.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

February 8


We started our discussion on forgiveness last Wednesday with a small but lively and sharing crowd. Dr. Stan led the discussion with some penetrating questions about forgiveness.

Our Wednesday, February 8th, meeting will be at the Bell's home 6:30 p.m..

Dr. Stan has asked me share about the Honduras mission trip. This I will do, but plan to take only 10 minutes and entertain your questions if you have any. I'm anxious to continue our discussion on forgiveness where we left off! This could be the most beneficial study and discussion we've ever had together! We will look at what the Bible teaches and share our experiences, led by Dr. Stan.

Come ready to listen, learn, share, and really get God's heart on the subject!

Here are some questions that were thrown out to get us thinking. Ponder them and see where the Spirit leads you. :)

1. What's the one thing that makes it hardest for you to forgive someone?
2. What is something that makes it easier to forgive someone when you think about it?
3. Is there anything in the Kingdom of God more important than forgiveness?
4. What's the most important thing you've learned about forgiveness so far in life?
5. What's your favorite Bible verse or story about forgiveness?

If you have something for us to ponder, let me know and I'll add it to the list!

Blessings in Christ,


   “And he came into all the district around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;” (Luke 3:3)

   “But one whom you forgive anything, I forgive also; for indeed what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ, so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” (2 Corinthians 2:10–11)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

February 1, 2017

Greetings All,

The Honduras mission trip went very well!! Many thanks to those of you who prayed!

I heard you all had an insightful study in the life of Abigail and her interaction in the life of David. I look forward to hearing about that.

Tonight we begin a two week look into the subject of "Forgiveness." Hope to see you there!

Blessings In Jesus Name

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 25, 2017

Greetings Friends,

Home group this week will meet at the Bells, 6:30 pm. Hope you can make it!

For the next couple weeks we'll be looking at the Bible character Abigail, and see what her relationships, life & times, and character will teach us about living today? We'll also discover an amazing woman and person that attracted the attention of the king of Israel, and the LORD of heaven. :)

After this two week look, we'll spend two weeks looking at forgiveness, one of the biggest, most helpful, and important topics in the Bible and in life. Be alert in the weeks leading up to this for things the Spirit might bring to your mind or across your path!

Blessings in Jesus Name,


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017


Our first life group last week was well attended, maybe a record? We had a good time of fellowship around the fire on the patio, and some insightful and lively discussion on the Proverbs Dr. Stan had each of us draw from a hat and explain (as we would to an 8 year old). :)

We meet Wednesday night at 6:30 pm (inside this time!). Dr. Stan asked each of us to bring thoughts or suggestions on what we would discuss or study in our Scripture time each week this semester?

So bring 'em! :)

Hope you can make it!


PS Topics like forgiveness? giving? worship? missions? Holy Spirit? friendship? money? Etc.
Books of the Bible that interest you?
Bible personalities like Ruth, David, Abraham, Sarah, Abigail, Sampson, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Damaris, Zechariah, Isaiah, Jacob, Esau, Isaac, Rachel, Dorcas, the woman at the well, Blind Bart, etc. .... All these are given as example or starters for thinking.... :)