Tuesday, January 24, 2017

January 25, 2017

Greetings Friends,

Home group this week will meet at the Bells, 6:30 pm. Hope you can make it!

For the next couple weeks we'll be looking at the Bible character Abigail, and see what her relationships, life & times, and character will teach us about living today? We'll also discover an amazing woman and person that attracted the attention of the king of Israel, and the LORD of heaven. :)

After this two week look, we'll spend two weeks looking at forgiveness, one of the biggest, most helpful, and important topics in the Bible and in life. Be alert in the weeks leading up to this for things the Spirit might bring to your mind or across your path!

Blessings in Jesus Name,


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

January 18, 2017


Our first life group last week was well attended, maybe a record? We had a good time of fellowship around the fire on the patio, and some insightful and lively discussion on the Proverbs Dr. Stan had each of us draw from a hat and explain (as we would to an 8 year old). :)

We meet Wednesday night at 6:30 pm (inside this time!). Dr. Stan asked each of us to bring thoughts or suggestions on what we would discuss or study in our Scripture time each week this semester?

So bring 'em! :)

Hope you can make it!


PS Topics like forgiveness? giving? worship? missions? Holy Spirit? friendship? money? Etc.
Books of the Bible that interest you?
Bible personalities like Ruth, David, Abraham, Sarah, Abigail, Sampson, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Damaris, Zechariah, Isaiah, Jacob, Esau, Isaac, Rachel, Dorcas, the woman at the well, Blind Bart, etc. .... All these are given as example or starters for thinking.... :)