Greetings Life Group Family,
Our group will meet this Wednesday, January 20th, 6:30 pm at the Bell's home. I just spoke to Dr. Stan and he tells me we are in Chapter 9 of Hebrews about to look at the tabernacle and what it tells us about God and our lives in Him. He also asked me if I'd share a little bit about my recent short term mission trip to Honduras.
So that's what we'll be doing! Probably! :) Google the tabernacle and Google Honduras doing a little reading and looking in advance. You'll be more a part of the discussion and get more out of it too! Bring your observations and questions!
I've heard you had two good meetings while I was in Honduras, and I'm anxious to hear about some of that and be with the family again this Wednesday!
Blessings in Christ Jesus our Lord,

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