Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 26th


Home group this week will meet at the Bell's, Wednesday the 26th, 6:30 pm as usual. Remember to pray about the election coming the second week in November (8th) and prepare by doing research on the issues and candidates or seeking the counsel of those you trust.

Early voting is open, and Elizabeth and I voted today at the courthouse. The lines were short and the process was straight forward and easy. I recommend you do it if possible to avoid the possibility of long lines on election day or something coming up that would preclude you exercising this important opportunity and responsibility.

You can click here for a sample ballot to avoid surprises at the voting booth. You can click here for information and guidance from Arkansas Family Council on state candidates and  issues. And you can click here for information on national candidates and platforms. As discussed recently at home group, for many of us the vote has come down to platforms and not candidates at the national level, voting for the most good, and against the most evil.

VOTE! Soon!! Do it!

I had a commitment last week and was late to the meeting, but I'm told we are down to the last four discussion questions on Dr. Stan's sheet this week (5-8), which you can view (and print) by clicking here. 

Read up so as to deepen and energize the discussion. See you there!



Friday, October 14, 2016

October 19th

Greetings All,

We had an excellent get together Wednesday night, small (8) but intimate and insightful around the fire on the patio as we started Dr. Stan's hand out on "Hearing God." We finished #1 & #2 with some powerful insights shared on Elijah's hearing God during and after his Mt. Carmel experience as he ran to the Mountain of God. Maybe we can summarize for those who missed it next week if you like?

We'll meet Oct. 19th at 6:30pm, the Bell's home, and begin with #3 on the "Hearing God" handout, and go as far as we get. Also, read some chapters suggested at the top of the sheet in the Tozer book, or anything you like in the book, and feel free to share insights with the group from "The Set of the Sail."

See you Wednesday! :)


PS The following came from a small men's group this week. Seems pertinent to some discussions we've recently had at home group, so I'll share it again here:

Greetings Brothers,

We had a good discussion this morning on politics and how the spiritual interacts possibly with the natural in the political processes of the United States, and voting. Lively discussion! :)

One opinion expressed was to vote for the best person and platform period.

Another opinion expressed their might be wisdom in looking at our system, history, and making sure your vote counted for as much good as possible going forward.

Everyone agreed we should be informed, or get informed, and vote.

I now recall that in a recent life group meeting, Debbie Stuckey said, "For me it's come down to the platforms, not the candidates in this election." Last Monday night at a men's Bible study on Isaiah a brother gave me this article on the platforms that is insightful and well written. I recommend it to you.

Pray. Be joyful and bold. Be light and salt. Focus on "things above," the King, and His everlasting kingdom. Gaze on Him and pray to become more and more like Him. Enjoy your freedoms. Be informed. Vote. Pray some more. :) 

You have influence with the Being that matters most, if you're His child. That position is important!

Shalom in Him,


   “Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, My soul is like a weaned child within me.” (Psalm 131:2, NASB95)

Monday, October 3, 2016

October 5th

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! ( Oct 2nd)
Greetings All,

Our plan this week is to finish the handout on prayer and start the handout Dr. Stan gave out last week on "hearing God," and we'll go as far as we get in discussing it. Come prepared! You'll then get the most out of our discussion and discovery! Wednesday, 6:30 pm, the Bell's home.

If you didn't get a "Hearing God" handout, you can click here to view or print it.

Remember to pray for each other, and to listen in prayer this week!



[Want more spiritual food?]